Wednesday, April 11, 2007



Last night was the kickoff to Klaxons week. They played Bowery Ballroom to a room filled with industry people and underagers...oh and me. It was weird. Unfortunately the sound at Bowery was not loving these kids as the first three or so tunes were nearly unrecognizable. Eventually though, things did get sorted out and the rest of the show was quite good. Bowery is definitely not the venue for Klaxons. The high stage just makes me think they're putting on a ravey recital. I'm really looking forward to Studio B on Friday because I think it will suit them much better.

The after party was at Home Sweet Home and was greatly in the spirit of the more horribly crowded and uninteresting the space is, the cooler it gets. After a while, some of the crowd dispersed and everyone was able to enjoy the place a bit more. I can't believe I'm writing this instead of my homework which I'll have to do at light speeds in just a minute...anyway, click the caption for more pictures.