Friday, April 13, 2007

I can't even...

I believe these photos are by Roger Sargent. I'm trying to compose a single thought but I'm a little overwhelmed.


shelana said...

it's just...i's...

no words.

Kasai REX (AKA Altered Beast AKA The Last Living Dinosaur of the Congo) said...

i consider myself an atheist, an out and out denier of all things supernatural. but this has got me wondering. something i thought to be wholly impossible goes and happens. and i believe that that my friends, is synonymous with a miracle. the chemistry of these two legendaires is indelible, and though we can't possibly foresee what's going to come of this reunion, let's just float on our backs and bask in the glow, kinda like the way pete is basking in that third picture. feeling all safe and warm in carl's loving embrace. truly what the game's been missing.