Sunday, May 27, 2007


I'm so tired. I'm about to die! Why am I not sleeping?! Friday night was the best time. Travis and I got smashed courtesy of my Peruvian sugar daddy friend buying us drinks non stop. We bounced around the L.E.S. until unfortunately ending up and a dreadful Ruff Club crowded with bridge and tunnellers...ew. Anywho we had a ball and did things that you will never hear about ever.

Last night, a smart person would have slept. Thank goodness for my missing brain cells because I went to Nacotheque instead. I had never been but heard the best things and after enjoying last week's events, couldn't wait to partake in more Spanish speaking fun. We danced hard until 4am to songs that I didn't know a word to...that is except when they played Spanish versions of American songs. I had the best best time. This party comes with my seal of approval as it is filled with extremely attractive people both inside and out. Ha! Hi, I'm being corny. My ever present stupidity was clearly with me when I decided to go to the after party. One sunrise later I was sound asleep...for a few hours, at least.

Today I am BEAT! My Dad bought me a new camera (yay! Love you, dad!) and I had to pick it up from the high school drop out store where I wasted an hour of my life. Travis and I went shopping which I'm sure was a similar experience to dragging a zombie down the road as I was out of it. But he was great company as I stressed over what to wear to Motherfucker tonight. Getting dressed is hard enough for me, let alone in theme. !@#$%^&*...eff. I'm so tired I kind of really don't want to go. We'll see. On one hand we have The Faint and good times all around. On the other hand we have my warm welcoming bed...oh, and my sanity. Tough decisions must be made!

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